Membership Application
Gas Energy Australia is a not-for-profit peak body governed by a Constitution and Board of Directors who are elected and/or appointed annually by Advisory Council Members.
Industry Taskforces, Advisory Council Working Groups and Technical Committees are established by the Board and drawn on the expertise of Members and Associates in response to policy and technical development initiatives - supported by a full-time, professional Secretariat based in Canberra...
Membership Application Process
If you are renewing your membership or associateship with Gas Energy Australia, your invoice will be forwarded to you with payment details and a Membership Certificate will follow after receiving full payment.
If you are subscribing to new membership or associateship with Gas Energy Australia your invoice will be issued to you on completion of this form and Board approval and Membership Certificate will follow after receiving full payment.
Once payment has been processed, you will receive a copy of your receipt via email.
Gas Energy Australia's financial year runs from 1 April-31 March. Your annual membership fee represents your financial contribution to the development and growth of the gas sector, and is prorated for applications received after 1 June for the remainder of Gas Energy Australia financial year.
Note: Quarterly invoicing is available on request.
After completing this form, GEA secretariat will contact you shortly.